
5 Different Ways You Can Support Photographers

Portrait of Amie Butler by Isaac Cox Photography

Number 1: Follow their accounts

This is as simple as it gets. One of the most obvious ways you can support photographers is by following their accounts. Even if you know them personally, and follow their personal account, follow their business page, or multiple photography accounts.

Almost every market is saturated so every little action helps. This is a very simple thing to do but can go a long way in making them feel supported and keeping them motivated. Don’t forget everyone has to start from somewhere, be there for their journey.

Number 2: Support their content

Another easy way to support photographers and other creators alike is by showing your appreciation for their posts. Support their content through likes and comments. It’s natural to think that if one post gets more likes than another, that post is better. But so much more goes into it and social media isn’t that simple.

Creatives can spend hours taking and editing photos, thinking of what caption to put all to have Instagram not show it on peoples timelines. That’s why supporting everything you see goes a long way! The more interaction a post has, the more likely it is that other people will see it, giving the photographer a chance to gain greater exposure. And for the creators out there, likes and comments do not determine the quality of your work!

Number 3: Share their content

Sharing content is another form of interaction, and this could have been put with the last point. But I feel it’s important enough to have its own section. Sharing content on social media platforms, or more accurately re-sharing, is a great way to show support and help photographers. But there are other ways of sharing content too.

For instance, sharing via word of mouth to friends and family if it fits the conversation, “Oh my friend does photography, maybe you should check them out”. Or if you hear of someone looking for a photographer, point them in the direction of someone you know. Word of mouth always has been a strong tool, and normally carries a lot more weight than algorithms suggested posts, so when you can, help a friend out and share their content, either digitally or in person.

Isaac Cox Photography

Number 4: Leave reviews

Reviews are a great way to help show credibility. Not just with other humans who end up reading them, but also search engines, as they see more people talking about something and visiting a site, causing the site to rank higher. If you have used their services or purchased anything from them, definitely leave a review, on their Google business page, Facebook, Yelp, Yell, the list goes on. Even if you’ve worked with them briefly and only had a couple of shots with them in public for free, go the extra mile and show your support publicly by leaving a review. They are extremely helpful and are a good source of feedback too.

Number 5: Book a shoot with them

The greatest way to support a photographer though is to WORK WITH THEM! If you like their work and can work with them, then why not? Book a shoot with them and get your own content from it, post it and tag them, again helping them with exposure. Don’t try and ask for cheaper rates because they’re your friend, or offer exposure in return. If you truly want to help them, you will not care about the price. They might offer a discount or say you don’t have to pay, I can’t speak for them, but if you’re wanting to support someone. BUY FROM THEIR BUSINESS!!

I appreciate every like and comment. Every website view and blog read (hint hint). Small businesses and startups see everything, and it affects us in different ways, but it hits emotionally. So be kind, and if you can, do the little things to help. It’s appreciated.

So if you’ve ever thought about a boudoir shoot, or just stumbled across this and want to learn more about what I do, I love getting to know people! Get in touch and let’s start your boudoir journey today!