
5 Best Pre-shoot Boudoir Tips

There are a lot of do’s and don’ts when it comes to boudoir, so I’m going to give you some of the best boudoir tips I share with clients before they shoot with me.

Don’t settle for less than you deserve!

Let’s start way before the shoot actually happens when you’re choosing your photographer. Research! Don’t just look at their social media or website and think “cool yeah I like their shots”, talk to them! If you’re thinking of taking photos in lingerie or sometimes less, you need to trust that person. Not only with the photos their taking, but trust them to make you feel comfortable, to respect your boundaries, to do right by you. So do your research and plan accordingly!

Now when it comes to getting physically ready for the shoot there are a few key things to know:

pre-shoot boudoir tips

Leave enough time for things to settle!

This applies to tanning, getting your eyebrows done, booking wax appointments etc. Ensure there is enough time between these sorts of things and when you shoot to let things settle. There’s no need to turn up with a tan that is still getting darker, if you know the date of your shoot, then plan accordingly!

Treat yourself like a queen!

In the days leading up to the shoot, do your best to get enough sleep, drink enough water, and eat good food. Doing everything you can to make sure your body is happy and healthy will not only help with energy levels on the day, but will allow your body to best version of itself!

I will say you never have to diet or try and do something extreme for your photoshoot, you will be loved regardless and the experience will be built around you. But that little bit of extra care and self-love can go a long way and is one of my favourite boudoir tips.

What to do on the day?

First things first, when getting dressed try to avoid tight underwear and clothing. They can leave indents on your skin, so it is widely preferred that you show up in loose-fitting clothing (even down to your socks and not wearing a bra) so there are no marks on your skin. Plus it’s more comfortable!

The other side is getting mentally prepared. All I have to say is if you’ve done your research and planned with the photographer, then trust them. Come with an open mind and trust that they know what they’re doing. You chose them for their expertise, their style, and hopefully, have been communicating the whole time about what you want and your levels of comfort. Now is the time for you to enjoy the experience!


These are some very basic boudoir tips of what to do before a shoot, but they’re often overlooked. I believe that if you’ve chosen the right photographer everything else will fall into place and it’ll be an experience of a lifetime!

If you want to get in touch and see what we could create, I’d love to hear from you! LET’S SHOOT!

BONUS TIP!! If you want eternal gratitude and appreciation from your photographer ensure all watches, hairbands and stray accessories are only worn if requested/part of the look. (This one is for @captureliam)